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Will Call by Appointment Only.
Closed Thursday & Friday 3.06.2025 & 3.07.2025
We will be onsite at Famoso Dragstrip for the

Good Vibrations Motorsports March Meet
Thursday 03/05/2025 until Sunday 03/09/2025


Leak Down testers are designed for checking leakage on engine cylinders. Also are ideal for leaking barrel valves on fuel injection   Leakdown Tester
Engine Cylinder Leakdown:
Note: For most accurate results, engine should be up to operating temperature.

1) Rotate crankshaft until piston being tested is at top dead center of compression stroke.

2) Screw the spark plug adaptor hose into spark plug hole making sure the o-ring is seated properly.

3) Connect leakdown tester to a good source of compressed air, preferably a filtered and water trapped source.

4) Adjust the regulator on the leakdown tester so the LEFT HAND GAUGE indicates 100 pounds.

5) Connect the spark plug adaptor hose to the coupler of the leakdown tester.

6) Read the leak down percentage on the RIGHT HAND GAUGE.




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